
Chapter 7. Playback Settings 52
the Random feature requires you to first generate a folder list via the Random Folder
Advance Configuration plugin (see section 12.4.14 (page 134)).
Note: You must have the Repeat option set to No for Auto-Change Directory to
function properly.
Note: This feature only works when songs have been played from the file browser. Using
it with the database may cause unexpected behaviour.
7.9. Constrain Auto-Change
If enabled and you have set Start File Browser Here to a directory other than root,
Auto-Change Directory will be constrained to the directory you have chosen and
those below it. See section 4.1.2 (page 23).
7.10. Last.fm Log
Enables logging of your played tracks for submittal to http://www.last.fm. This service
was formerly known as Audioscrobbler. When you enable this option, you’ll have to
reboot to start the logging. The log-file is called .scrobbler.log,and is to be found in
the root directory of your player.
Note: See ZLastFMLog for a further description, and for tools you can use to submit
your Last.fm log.
7.11. Cuesheet Support
Enables reading of cuesheet files for played tracks. If a cuesheet is found for a track,
track markers are displayed on the progressbar and it is possible to skip between the
tracks within the cuesheet. Also the information found in the cuesheet file will replace
the information from the ID3 tags. When you enable this option, you’ll have to reboot
for it to come into effect.
Cuesheet files should have the same file name as the audio file they reference, except
with the extension .cue. This file can either reside in the same directory as the audio
file (checked first), or within the .rockbox/cue directory.
The contents of a cuesheet file can also be embedded within the metadata of an audio
file. There is currently support for the FLAC tag/ Vorbis comment CUESHEET or the
The Rockbox manual (version rUnversioned directory-150515) Archos Recorder