User manual

Don't crash into the walls. Walls are not edible. Crashing a worm against a wall
causes it a headache it doesn't survive.
Game over
Game overGame over
Game over
The game is over when all worms are dead. The longest worm wins the game.
Pause the game
Pause the gamePause the game
Pause the game
Press the PLAY key to pause the game. Hit PLAY again to resume the game.
Stop the game
Stop the gameStop the game
Stop the game
There are two ways to stop a running game.
If you want to quit Wormlet entirely simply hit the OFF button. The game will
stop immediately and you will return to the game menu.
If you want to stop the game and still see the screen hit the ON button. This
freezes the game. If you hit the ON button again a new game starts with the
same configuration. To return to the games menu you can hit the OFF button.
A stopped game can not be resumed.
The scoreboard
The scoreboardThe scoreboard
The scoreboard
On the right side of the game field is the score board. For each worm it displays its
status and its length. The top most entry displays the state of worm 1, the second
worm 2 and the third worm 3. When a worm dies it's entry on the score board turns
Here the current length of the worm is displayed. When a worm is eating food it
grows by one pixel for each step it moves.
That's the normal state of a worm. Worms are always hungry and want to eat.
It's good to have a hungry worm since it means that your worm is alive. But it's
better to get your worm growing.
When a worm has eaten a piece of food it starts growing. For each step it
moves over food it can grow by one pixel. One piece of food lasts for 7 steps.
After your worm has moved 7 steps the food is used up. If another piece of food
is eaten while growing it will increase the size of the worm for another 7 steps.
This indicates that a worm has crashed against a wall.
Part 5: Plugins 51