User guide

9. MIDI Operation
A. MIDI Controller Assignments
Controller mapping allows for specific Intellifex adjustable parameters to be mapped (or assigned) to a MIDI controller
number for real-time control (via a pitch wheel, expression pedal, etc.) in live performance situations. Any parameter may be
assigned to any controller number, from controller 0 through controller 120, or OFF. In the OFF position, the assigned
parameter will not respond to any MIDI control change. Each preset allows for up to 8 controllers.
The Controller Assign function is accessible in user presets 1-80. Factory presets 81-160 do not include this function.
Turn the PARAMETER SELECT control to access the first parameter of the Controller
Assign function. This parameter allows for the selection of a controller number which the
first parameter (selected in Step 5) will respond to.
Step 1
To access the Controller Assign function, turn the FUNCTION SELECT control one step
clockwise past "Title Edit".
Step 2
Use the PARAMETER ADJUST control to select the controller number to be assigned to
the first parameter (PARA1). You may choose any number from 0 to 120, or OFF so that
the parameter will not respond to MIDI controller changes. Match this number with the
MIDI transmitter controller number.
Step 3
After selecting the desired controller number, press the STORE button to save the number.
"STORED" will flash briefly on the display.
Step 4
3,6,9,12 4,7,10,13 12,5,8,11