
G. Using the Piranha with a Rocktron All Access™ in REMOTE mode
A Rocktron All Access
can act as a dedicated remote control for the Piranha - allowing direct access to specific
Piranha features from the footswitch at any time.
Setting up the Piranha for remote operation
When the Piranha is turned off, set the rear panel MIDI Channel selection
switch to MIDI channel "1" as shown below. (The Piranha must be set to MIDI
channel 1 to respond to the All Access remote function.)
Note: Changing the MIDI Channel status to any MIDI channel other than channel 1
will defeat remote mode operation.
Connect the MIDI OUT on the All Access
to the rear panel MIDI IN/REMOTE
connector on the Piranha.
(All switches in the "up" position
selects MIDI channel "1".)