User's Manual

TDR-94, PART NO 622-9352
CAT or ATP Customer Acceptance Test or Acceptance Test Procedure. A
maintenance test procedure used on a new or newly repaired unit to
evaluate its ability to perform its intended purpose. No disassembly
is allowed. All external input and output parameters are evaluated.
Successful completion of this test gives reasonable assurance that the
unit will operate satisfactorily when properly installed. Adaptation is
allowed for unique features and applications.
CFDIU Central Fault Display Interface Unit
CFDS Centraliz ed Fault Display System
CRT Cathode ray tube
CSDB Commercial standard digital bus
DDT (or ddt) Downlink Data Transfer
DLP Data Link Processor
downlink Refers to the message signal path (radio contact) from an airborne
transmitter to a ground receiver (see also uplink which refers to the
opposite path)
DPSK (or dpsk) Differential Phase Shift Keying. (Refers to the method of logic
differentiation used in mode S message transfer.)
DPT Detailed Performance Test. A comprehensive maintenance procedure
used only on a repair bench for detailed evaluation of performance
capability. Disassembly is required. The objective of this procedure
is to veri fy and locate a failure detected in a higher level test; CAT or
FPT. This procedure may lead to an alignment or repair procedure and
must be followed by the FPT after the necessary repair action.
ELM (or elm) Extended Length Message (112 bits, as opposed to the normal 56-bit
message length)
FIFO (or fifo) First In, First Out (Refers to a particular data transfer method.)
FPT Final Performance Test. The most detailed test necessary for a
fully assembled unit. The objective of this test is to prove that any
repair action has successfully corrected a detected fault and the final
assembly process has not adversely affected unit performance. This
test must be performed in its entirety and with no interruption after
any repair or disassembly action.
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
Host airplane An airplane equipped with a collision warning system
I/O Input/Output
Intruder airplane An airplane entering a defined volume of protected airspace near
a host airplane
May 18/06