User's Manual

TDR-94, PART NO 622-9352
20 The -004 and -005 versions of the TDR-94D may cause the Change 7
ve rsion of non-Rockwell Collins TCAS systems to produce a TCAS flag,
or inter mittent TCAS flag, when the TCAS is in the Standby mode. This
ser vice bulletin installs new software in the TDR-94D that improves the
robustness of the TCAS Change 7 data bus and improves compatibility
with non-Rockwell Collins TCAS units.
The formatting of Flight ID data is updated to comply w ith the ARINC
718-4 definition.
The correct processing of the Gillham altitude 100-foot resolution bit
originally addressed by Service Bulletin 17 is als o incorporated.
21 The -006 version of theTDR-94/94D may cause the Change 7 version
of non-Rockwell Collins TCAS s ystems to produce a brief inter m ittent
TCAS flag. The fault is normally recovered automatically and may not
be seen by the operator.
The transponder may intermittently report a "C1" or "C2" Squitter fault
that will cause some non-R ockwell Collins control heads to change
to a standby state.
This service bulletin installs new software in the TDR-94/94D that
improves the robustness of the TCAS Change 7 data bus to improve
compatibility with non-Rockwell Collins TCAS units and incorporates
improvem en ts to the Squitter self-test circuitry.
22 In some installations the TDR-94/94D may cause interference of VHF
reception when transmitt er is tuned to 120 MHz. Comm squelch
breaks at 120 MHz have been identified in installations with minimum
transponder/comm isolation. Installation of this service bulletin will
greatly reduce potential interference with VHF Communications.
23 All fielded -007 status TDR-94 and TDR-94D units do not display JTSO
approval . This ser vice bulletin replaces the nameplate with one that
allows usage in European a irspac e.
24 This service bulletin replaces obsolete synthesizer circuit cards
687-0724-001/002 with 687-0724-003 when there is a need that
warrants replacement of the card.
25 This service bulletin re p laces IF rece iver circuit c ard A7 and the IF
receiver cover if U107 fails on the circ uit card.
26 U413 on synthesizer circuit card A4 is replaced to improve a
temperature-related power-up problem on unit delivered during
February through May of 2005. These units may not power up correctly
after exposure to temperatures of -55rC or below. This condition may
also occur if unit power is cycled in mid-flight at extreme altitudes.
Modification History Cont.
able 2001/Table 34-50-96-99A-012-A01
Page 2003
May 18/06