User Manual

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appendix C 523-0 809018
Table C-11. Control Bus Labels
Label Parameter Name Notes
006 Mode-S Address Set Word 1 Not required; only received when controller is attempting
to set the Mode S address
007 Mode-S Address Set Word 2 Not required; only received when controller is attempting
to set the Mode S address
013 TCAS Control Word Not used by TSS; passed through to display
015 TCAS Altitude Select Limits Not used by TSS; passed through to display
016 TCAS/Mode-S Transponder Required; TCAS control word
027 TSS Data Load Receive (Dataloader) TSS Control B port only; may data load through this port
031 Mode-S ATC Control Required; transponder control word
203 Pressure Altitude (ADC) Required, but may be passed through co ncentrated buses
instead of through controller
204 Baro-Corrected Alti tude (ADC) May be passed through concentrated buses instead of
through controller
227 ARINC 604 from CMS TSS Control B port only; maintenance system may request
ECU data through this port
233 Aircraft Ident Word 1 Required, but may be passed through concentrated buses
instead of through controller
234 Aircraft Ident Word 2 Required, but may be passed through concentrated buses
instead of through controller
235 Aircraft Ident Word 3 Required, but may be passed through concentrated buses
instead of through controller
236 Aircraft Ident Word 4 Required, but may be passed through concentrated buses
instead of through controller
237 Aircraft Ident Word 5 May be passed through concentrated buses instead of
through controller; this label is not presen t from all
sources of ight ID wi ll usually only have labels 233
236 available
350 CDU Diagnostics Word 1 (CDU) Not required; only needed if t he controller does not have
its own interface to the m aintenance system
360 Download NVRAM Request (Shop Mode) TSS Control B port only while in shop mode; response to
a request to download NVRAM
C.5.3. Concentrated Bus Inputs.
It is expected that the left and right transponders, whether the transponder is a TSS or a TDR, will receive exactly the same infor-
mation. This may be done either through separate or through shared concentrated buses. The only difference is that data will come
in from a different side. Table C-12lists the TDR concentrated bus inputs and the TSS bus inputs and how they correspond.