Installation Guide

Easy To Install
Step 1
Using a serrated knife, cut the batt to fit into the height
of the joist, which is typically 8 inches. If the joists are
16 inches apart, you can use one of ROCKWOOL
’s 16-
inch wide batts. Also available in 24” on center.
Step 2
Insert, compress and release the batt to fit snugly inside
the header cavity, against the exterior wall and between
the joists. Ensure no gaps or voids for the heat to escape.
Two Easy Steps Insulate
a Ba
sement Header
Insulating the basement header is an often forgotten part of a home renovation project. The header
refers to the typical 8-inch gap between the top of the basement's concrete wall and the floor above.
When left exposed, the header space can cause drafts and make your furnace work harder. That's why
it pays to insulate the area with thermal insulation like COMFORTBATT
to reduce the heat loss and
make your basement more comfortable.
Working with ROCKWOOL
insulation is
a breeze. It cuts quickly and accurately
with a serrated knife, such as a bread
knife, so you can easily achieve optimal
fit around pipes, electrical boxes,
wiring, ductwork, and between studs
and joists that are less than a standard
Did You Know?
stone wool insulation is non-combustible and will not
develop smoke or promote flame spread, even when directly exposed
to fire.
Insulate a Basement Header
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