
R&S FSH Setting and Using the Measurement Functions
1145.5973.12 4.71 E-10
¾ Press the FREQ key.
¾ Press the CHANNEL MODE softkey.
¾ Press the SPAN key.
¾ Press the CHANNEL SCAN key.
The R&S FSH now scans across the channels of the
active channel table.
The frequency range for the scan is set using the
START SCAN and STOP SCAN softkeys.
The channel table used can be displayed with the FREQ key and the CHANNEL TABLE softkey. It is
highlighted in red in the table of channel tables.
The screenshot above shows a measurement using a channel table with frequency gaps. Different
segments that are not interconnected are specified using the table defined with R&S FSH View.
In the default setting, the levels in each of the channels are displayed as vertical lines. Alternatively the
R&S FSH provides a polygon display, in which the level values of the individual channels are
interconnected by straight lines.
¾ Press the TRACE key.
¾ Press the TRACE STYLE softkey.
¾ Select POLYGON with the rotary knob or the cursor
The R&S FSH switches to the polygon display.