
R&S FSH Setting and Using the Measurement Functions
1145.5973.12 4.97 E-10
Display of reflection in vector measurement
Since the R&S FSH also evaluates the magnitude and phase during measurements following vector
calibration, additional display capabilities are available as compared to scalar measurement. Owing to
the larger dynamic range, the display ranges for the standing wave ratio (VSWR) and VSWR 1 –1.5 and
VSWR 1 –1.1 are expanded. Thus, well matched DUTS can be measured with greater precision and
higher display resolution.
However, one of the main advantages of vector measurement is also being able to display the complex
measurement results in a Smith chart. This provides a much more in-depth look at the characteristics of
the DUT than by displaying the reflection magnitude as return loss or VSWR.
¾ Press the AMPT key.
¾ Press the RANGE softkey.
¾ Using the cursor keys or rotary knob, select SMITH
CHART from the menu.
Confirm your selection with the ENTER key or by
pressing the RANGE softkey again.
The R&S FSH displays the reflection of the DUT in the
Smith chart.