
Remote Control Commands
HMP Series
57User Manual 1178.6833.02 ─ 02
8 Remote Control Commands
This chapter provides the description of all remote commands available for the
R&S HMP series. The commands are sorted according to the menu structure of the
instrument. A list of commands in alphabetical order is given in the "List of Commands"
at the end of this documentation.
8.1 Common Setting Commands
Common commands are described in the IEEE 488.2 (IEC 625-2) standard. These
commands have the same effect and are employed in the same way on different devi-
ces. The headers of these commands consist of "*" followed by three letters.
Many common commands are related to the Status Reporting System.
*SRE.............................................................................................................................. 58
Clear status
Sets the status byte (STB), the standard event register (ESR) and the EVENt part of
the QUEStionable and the OPERation registers to zero. The command does not
alter the mask and transition parts of the registers. It clears the output buffer.
Setting only
*ESE <Value>
Event status enable
Sets the event status enable register to the specified value. The query returns the con-
tents of the event status enable register in decimal form.
<Value> Range: 0 to 255
Common Setting Commands