User Manual

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Operator’s Manual Malfunction
– 4.26 – 6076.0822.12.01
 (UURU/LVW
Check the error code and proceed as indicated in the Action column (in most cases the radio
will need to be transferred to the nearest depot facility).
The SRAM battery is not a replaceable battery but a gold capacitor.
Code Message Level Notes Action
(CBIT message,
frequent or single event)
0002 GR General Software Error W Inform depot.
0003 GR ERR STR FULL W Error store full Inform depot.
1000 CP +28V RANGE W Control panel +28 VDC
out of range
Send radio to depot.
1001 CP +2.5V RANGE W Control panel +2.5 VDC
out of range
Send radio to depot.
1002 CP +3.3V RANGE W Control panel +3.3 VDC
out of range
CBIT message or frequent event:
Send radio to depot.
Single event:
no action
1003 CP +5.0V RANGE W Control panel +5.0 VDC
out of range
CBIT message or frequent event:
Send radio to depot.
Single event:
no action
1004 CP +12V RANGE W Control panel +12 VDC
out of range
CBIT message or frequent event:
Send radio to depot.
Single event:
no action
1005 CP -12V RANGE W Control panel -12 VDC
out of range
CBIT message or frequent event:
Send radio to depot.
Single event:
no action
1006 CP OVERTEMP W Control panel
Check / correct ambient temperature
(must be below 55 °C). If this fails to
eliminate the fault, send the radio to
the depot.
CP SRAM BATT LOW W Control panel interfaces
SRAM battery low
Send radio to depot.
3000 TEST1 ALTERA_RDBK E Read back test of FPGA
Send radio to depot.
3001 TEST1 EPSON_RDBK E Read back test of the dis-
play controller failed
Send radio to depot.
3002 TEST3 LOOPB IRDA E Loopback test of the IRDA
interface failed
Send radio to depot.
3005 TEST3 LOOPB KDD E Loopback test of the KDD
serial port failed
Send radio to depot.
3006 TEST3 LOOPB SMC2 E Loopback test of the serial
port SMC2 failed
Send radio to depot.