Operating instructions

R&S ESCI SENSe:CORRection Subsystem
1166.6004.12 6.161 E-1
[SENSe<1|2>:]CORRection:TSET:UNIT '<string>
This command defines the unit of the selected transducer sets. When assigning transducer factors
to the set, only factors which are compatible to the selected unit, i. e. factors with the same unit or
the unit dB, are allowed.
Parameter: <string>::= DB' | 'DBM' | 'DBUV' | 'DBUV/M' | 'DBUA' | 'DBUA/M'' | DBPW' |
Characteristics: *RST value: 'DB'
SCPI: device-specific
Modes: R, A
Prior to this command, the command SENS:CORR:TSET:SEL must be sent.
[SENSe<1|2>:]CORRection:TSET:BREak ON | OFF
This command defines if the sweep is to be stopped on changeover from range to another.
Example: ":CORR:TSET:BRE ON"
Characteristics: *RST value: OFF
SCPI: device-specific
Modes: R, A
Prior to the above command, the command SENS:CORR:TSET:SEL must be sent.
[SENSe<1|2>:]CORRection:TSET:COMMent <string>
This command defines the comment for the selected transducer set.
Characteristics: *RST value '' (empty comment)
SCPI: device specific
Modes: A
Prior to this command, the command SENS:CORR:TSET:SEL must be sent.
[SENSe<1|2>:]CORRection:TSET:RANGe<1 to 10> <freq>,<freq>,<name>..
This command defines a partial range of the selected transducer set. The partial range is determined
by its start and stop frequencies plus a list of names of the assigned transducer factors. The ranges
1 to 10 must be sent in ascending order.
Parameter: <freq>,<freq>::= start frequency, stop frequency of the range
<name>...::= list of names for the assigned transducer factors.
The individual names must be characterized by single
quotation marks (') and separated by commas.
Characteristics: *RST value: -
SCPI: device-specific
Modes: R, A
Prior to this command, the command SENS:CORR:TSET:SEL must be sent.