Operating instructions

R&S ESCI Status Reporting System
1166.6004.12 5.15 E-1
Instrument Model and Command Processing
The instrument model shown in Fig. 5-2 has been made viewed from the standpoint of the servicing of
IEC-bus commands. The individual components work independently of each other and simultaneously.
They communicate by means of so-called "messages".
Data set
Output unit with
output buffer
Input unit with
input puffer
Status reporting-
Fig. 5-2 Instrument model in the case of remote control by means of the IEC bus
Input Unit
The input unit receives commands character by character from the IEC bus and collects them in the
input buffer. The input unit sends a message to the command recognition as soon as the input buffer is
full or as soon as it receives a delimiter, <PROGRAM MESSAGE TERMINATOR>, as defined in IEEE
488.2, or the interface message DCL.
If the input buffer is full, the IEC-bus traffic is stopped and the data received up to then are processed.
Subsequently the IEC-bus traffic is continued. If, however, the buffer is not yet full when receiving the
delimiter, the input unit can already receive the next command during command recognition and
execution. The receipt of a DCL clears the input buffer and immediately initiates a message to the
command recognition.