Operating instructions

More Complex Programming Examples R&S ESCI
1166.6004.12 7.26 E-1
Measuring the Channel and Adjacent Channel Power
In the following example, the channel and adjacent channel power is first measured on a signal with a
level of 0 dBm at 800 MHz to IS95. Then the channel and adjacent channel power is measured on a
GSM signal at 935.2 MHz with fast ACP measurement (FAST ACP).
In addition, the limit test is activated.
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub ACP()
result$ = Space$(100)
'--------- R&S ESCI default setting ----------------------------------------
CALL SetupStatusReg 'Set status register
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"*RST") 'Reset instrument
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"INIT:CONT OFF") 'Single sweep
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SYST:DISP:UPD ON") 'ON: display on
'OFF: off
'--------- Set frequency ---------------------------------------------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"FREQ:CENT 800MHz") 'Set frequency
'--------- Set level -------------------------------------------------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:RLEV 10dBm") 'Reference level
'--------- Example 1: Configure CP/ACP for CDMA ---------------------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CALC2:MARK:FUNC:POW:SEL ACP") 'ACP measurement on
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SENS:POW:ACH:ACP 2") 'Select 2 adjacent channels
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SENS:POW:ACH:PRES ACP") 'Optimize settings
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SENS:POW:ACH:PRES:RLEV") 'Optimize reference level
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SENS:POW:ACH:MODE ABS") 'Absolute measurement
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SENS:POW:HSP ON") 'Fast ACP measurement
'--------- Perform measurement and query results --------------------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep with sync
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CALC2:MARK:FUNC:POW:RES? ACP") 'Query result
CALL IBRD(receiver%, result$)
'--------- Read out result -------------------------------------------------
Print "Result (CP, ACP low, ACP up, Alt low, Alt up): "
Print result$