Operating instructions

R&S ESCI More Complex Programming Examples
1166.6004.12 7.29 E-1
Time Domain Power Measurement
In the following example, the mean carrier power of a signal with 300 kHz bandwidth at 100 MHz is to be
determined. In addition, the peak power, the rms value and the standard deviation are measured. To do
this, the time-domain-power measurement functions are used.
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub TimeDomainPower()
result$ = Space$(100)
'--------- R&S ESCI default setting ----------------------------------------
CALL SetupStatusReg 'Set status register
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"*RST") 'Reset instrument
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"INIT:CONT OFF") 'Single sweep
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SYST:DISP:UPD ON") 'ON: display on
'OFF: off
'--------- Configure R&S ESCI for time domain power measurement ------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"FREQ:CENT 100MHz;SPAN 0Hz") 'Set frequency
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"BAND:RES 300kHz") 'Resolution bandwidth
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SWE:TIME 200US") 'Sweep time
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:PPE ON") 'Peak measurement on
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:MEAN ON") 'Mean measurement on
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:RMS ON") 'RMS measurement on
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:SDEV ON") 'Standard deviation on
'------------------- Perform measurement and query results ----------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep with sync
'Query results:
query$ = " CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:PPE:RES?;" 'Peak measurement
query$ = query$ + ":CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:MEAN:RES?;" 'Mean measurement
query$ = query$ + ":CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:RMS:RES?;" 'RMS measurement
query$ = query$ + ":CALC:MARK:FUNC:SUMM:SDEV:RES?" 'Standard deviation
Call IBWRT(receiver%, query$)
CALL IBRD(receiver%, result$)
Print result$