Operating instructions

R&S ESCI More Complex Programming Examples
1166.6004.12 7.31 E-1
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub MultiSumMarker()
result$ = Space$(200)
'--------- R&S ESCI default setting---------------------------------------
CALL SetupStatusReg 'Configure status register
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"*RST") 'Reset instrument
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"INIT:CONT OFF") 'Single sweep mode
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"SYST:DISP:UPD ON") 'ON: switch display on
'OFF: switch display off
'--------- Configure R&S ESCI for power measurement in time domain ---------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"FREQ:CENT 935.2MHz;SPAN 0Hz") 'Frequency setting
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:RLEV 10dBm") 'Set reference level
'to 10 dB
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"INP:ATT 30 dB") 'Set input attenuation
'to 30 dB
CALL IBWRT(analyzer%,"BAND:RES 1MHz;VID 3MHz") 'Bandwidth setting
CALL IBWRT(analyzer%,"DET RMS") 'Select RMS detector
CALL IBWRT(analyzer%,"TRIG:SOUR VID") 'Trigger source: video
CALL IBWRT(analyzer%,"TRIG:LEV:VID 50 PCT") 'Trigger threshold: 50%
CALL IBWRT(analyzer%,"SWE:TIME 50ms") 'Sweep time 1 frame
'--------- Perform measurement and query results --------------------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"INIT;*WAI") 'Perform sweep with sync
'Query results:
cmd$ = cmd$ + "50US," 'Offset of first pulse
cmd$ = cmd$ + "450US," 'Measurement time
cmd$ = cmd$ + "576.9US," 'Pulse period
cmd$ = cmd$ + "8" 'Number of bursts
CALL IBWRT(analyzer%,cmd$)
CALL IBRD(receiver%, result$) 'Read results
Print result$
REM ************************************************************************