Operating instructions

More Complex Programming Examples R&S ESCI
1166.6004.12 7.36 E-1
Level Correction of Transducers (Definition of Transducer Factors)
In more complex test systems, the frequency response of the test setup must be taken into account in
all power measurements to avoid any measurement errors being introduced from sources other than the
The R&S ESCI offers the possibility of defining a frequency-dependent attenuation correction factor
(transducer factor).
In the example below, a factor with the following characteristics is defined:
Name: Transtest
Unit: dB
Scaling: lin
Comment: simulated cable correction
Frequency Level
10 MHz 0 dB
100 MHz 3 dB
1 GHz 7 dB
3 GHz 10 dB
The factor is defined and can be activated as required.
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub TransducerFactor()
'--------- Define transducer factor ---------------------------------------
'Define "Transtest"
'transducer factor
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CORR:TRAN:UNIT 'DB'") 'Unit 'dB'
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CORR:TRAN:SCAL LIN") 'Linear frequency axis
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CORR:TRAN:COMM 'Simulated cable correction'")
cmd$ = "CORR:TRAN:DATA " 'Enter frequency and level
cmd$ = cmd$ + "10MHz, 0," 'values. Level values without
cmd$ = cmd$ + "100MHz, 3," 'unit!
cmd$ = cmd$ + "1GHz, 7,"
cmd$ = cmd$ + "3GHz, 10"
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,cmd$) 'Enter frequency and level values
'--------- Activate transducer ---------------------------------------
CALL IBWRT(receiver%,"CORR:TRAN:STAT ON") 'Activate transducer factor
REM ************************************************************************