Operating instructions

More Complex Programming Examples R&S ESCI
1166.6004.12 7.46 E-1
Creating a File on the Instrument
In the following example, the TEST1.SET file available on the controller is stored in the instrument under
REM ************************************************************************
Public Sub WriteFile()
'--------- Generate variables ----------------------------------------------
FileBuffer$ = Space$(100000) 'Buffer for file
Dim digits As Long 'Number of digits of
'length information
Dim fileBytes As Long 'Length of file in bytes
fileSize$ = Space$(100) 'Length of file as a string
result$ = Space$(100) 'Buffer for simple results
'--------- Default setting of status register ------------------------------
Call SetupStatusReg 'Configure status register
'--------- Prepare the definite length block data --------------------------
fileBytes = FileLen("H:\work\vb\test1.set") 'Determine length of file
fileSize$ = Str$(fileBytes)
digits = Len(fileSize$) – 1 'Determine number of digits of
fileSize$ = Right$(fileSize$, digits) 'length information
FileBuffer$ = "#" + Right$(Str$(digits), 1) + fileSize$
'Store length information in
'file buffer
'--------- Read file from controller ---------------------------------------
Open "H:\work\vb\TEST1.SET" For Binary As #1
FileBuffer$ = FileBuffer$ + Left$(Input(fileBytes, #1), fileBytes)
Close #1
'--------- Write file ------------------------------------------------------
Call ibwrt(receiver%, "SYST:COMM:GPIB:RTER EOI") 'Set receive
'terminator on the
Call ibwrt(receiver%, "MMEM:DATA 'D:\USER\DATA\DUPLICAT.SET'," +
FileBuffer$) 'Select file