User Manual

Instrument Tour
25Getting Started 1326.1561.02 ─ 03
3.5 Display Overview
In the most important modes scope, mask and XY, the display shows the follow-
ing information.
1 = Measurement results, depends on the mode and the selected measurement
2 = Time scale (horizontal scale, in s/division)
3 = Trigger type, trigger source, and trigger mode
4 = Capture status
5 = Battery status and AC connectivity for battery charging; date and time
6 = Trigger level
7 = Trigger position
8 = Channel marker indicate the ground levels. Channel C3 has the focus
9 = Vertical settings for each active channel: vertical scale (vertical sensitivity,in V/division),
bandwidth limit (no indicator = full bandwidth, BW= limited frequency), coupling (AC or DC)
10 = Logic channels (MSO R&S RTH-B1)
11 = Menu button
You can adjust the vertical position of each waveform, the trigger level, and the
trigger position by dragging the corresponding marker on the display. Alterna-
tively, tap a marker to set the focus, and use the wheel to adjust position.
Display Overview