Setup Manual

Table Of Contents
Introduction to Operation
25Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07
Set the security level to "High" in the Java Control Panel and restart the browser.
Only a 64 bit Java runtime environment (JRE) is installed.
Remove the 64 bit JRE and install the 32 bit version.
A 64 bit JRE is installed and required by another application (unlikely)
Install a 32 bit JRE to run in parallel with the 64 bit version.
You can determine the Java version (32 or 64 bit) as follows:
Open an input prompt window (Start > Run > Open, insert "cmd" and press <OK>)
Enter: java -d32 -version
The version number is shown if a 32 bit JRE is installed, otherwise an error mes-
sage appears.
Java security
In order to ensure the optimum protection against malicious software (malware), the
user interface for the Tx9 transmitter series has been implemented in Java. Java tech-
nology eliminates the need to run potentially unsafe ActiveX or Flash plugins in your
browser. Java offers numerous security functions:
Java security settings
The security level in the Java Control Panel should be set to "High". A correspond-
ing security warning appears then appears when opening a website with Java con-
tents; you have to acknowledge this message. This prevents Java programs from
untrusted websites from being started unintentionally.
Detecting a secure browser
The Java version installed on the computer should be displayed at the bottom left
corner of the login page only after the security notice for running Java code has
been confirmed. If the Java version is displayed without confirming the security
notice, then you are using an unsecured browser or an outdated version of Java on
your computer.
Detecting the right web server
The security notice for running the Java code shows the IP address of the transmit-
ter that loaded the Java code to the browser.
Transmitters in the Tx9 series are protected against malware by various security meas-
ures. Nevertheless, it is important to follow this general information on security to pro-
tect other computers in the same network against malware:
Always keep your browser updated to the latest version!
Always update your Java runtime environment to the most recent version immedi-
ately after starting your browser.
Avoid using unsecured browsers, such as MS Internet Explorer 7.
Always use a firewall to display Internet pages from servers outside your LAN.
The transmitter should be accessible within its protected intranet at all times. If this
is not technically feasible, take additional measures to secure communications
between the transmitter and browser (e.g. via a VPN).
Operation via Browser