Setup Manual

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Device View Description
145Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07
4.6.3 Signal Feed
The TCE900 Exciter has a number of physical inputs depending on the modules and
software options installed. Up to two of these inputs can be used parallel to each other
for signal feed. They are referred to below as logical inputs. The assignment of physi-
cal inputs to logical inputs takes place in a special task during startup of the system. All
available physical inputs can also be configured within this task. In normal operation,
the two selected logical inputs are visible in the Device View of the exciter. All settings
relevant for the logical inputs can be made directly in the Device View. The two logical
inputs are available for automatic input switchover in the event of a fault along the feed
path. Configuring Physical Inputs
The physical inputs are configured at startup of the system in the menu
"Device View"
> "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Task View" > "Configure Inputs".
This function allows you to define two logical inputs from the number of available inputs
used for the redundancy of the input signal. For each logical input, you can optionally
assign a name for the fed program multiplex. This name is displayed in the transmitter
and system overview screens.
TS Feed
Every TCE900 Exciter which is suitable for the transmission of digital TV has two trans-
port stream inputs (connector X20 and X21). The data format (ASI/SMPTE/Auto) can
be set separately for both inputs. The gross data rate and the packet length are also
IP Feed
Depending on the installed software options, up to two independent IP feeds are avail-
able in the TCE900 Exciter. During startup, each Ethernet socket (X30, X31) must be
assigned an IP address in the menu "Device View" > "Tx<n>" > "Exciter A | B" > "Task
View" > "Configure TS LAN". The two Ethernet sockets are linked to two logical IP
streams which contain additional configuration parameters. Both IP streams support
unicast and multicast streams. For multicast streams, the IP address of the multiplexer
which makes the stream available in the network must also be specified. It is possible
to assign both logical IP streams to the same physical socket, but to specify different
multicast addresses. This provides maximum flexibility with regard to different redun-
dancy scenarios in the feed path.
The IP addresses for the Ethernet sockets are configured in the "Configure TS LAN"
task and only become effective after the TCE900 Exciter has been restarted.
Exciter ATSC