Setup Manual

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146Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07
Settings for Input 1/2 (Transport Stream and IP Stream)
"Transport Stream (TS 1/2)" parameters
Name Description Value range Access right
Stream Status Indicates whether a valid serial data stream is being
fed to the transmitter via the TS1/2 IN sockets (X20/
X21). If a fault is displayed here, first check the setting
of the TS type (ASI/SMPTE).
OK, No
Read Only
Packet Length Indicates the detected packet length of the transport
Read Only
MIP (SIP, IIP) Indicates whether the control information required for
SFN mode is contained in the data stream. The dis-
played name depends on the modulation standard. An
error can also be displayed in MFN mode if the coder
settings are to be automatically controlled via the trans-
port stream.
OK, No, Fail Read Only
Gross data rate Shows the total data rate at the TS feed including stuff-
ing bytes.
1200000 bps Read Only
Payload data rate Indicates the information data rate without stuffing
bytes on the TS feed. This value is only available if
MFN is set (multiplefrequency network), i.e. SFN mode
(singlefrequency network) must be set to OFF.
Read Only
Data rate Indicates whether the data rate of the payload matches
the selected coder settings.
OK, Too
Low, Too
High, No Sig-
Read Only
Multiplex Name Here, you can assign any desired name for the multi-
plex contained in this transport stream. This name is
displayed in the transmitter overview and, in the case
of n+1 systems, in the automatic transmitter switchover
<20 charac-
Read / Write
"IP Stream (IP 1/2)" parameters
Name Description Value range Access right
Stream Status (Status) Indicates whether a valid data stream is being fed to
the transmitter via the IP feed. If a fault is indicated,
check the settings of the IP stream and the Ethernet
OK, No
Read Only
Packet Length (Status) Indicates the detected packet length of the IP stream.
Read Only
Gross data rate (Sta-
Indicates the total data rate (gross data rate) on the IP
1200000 bps Read Only
Payload data rate (Sta-
Indicates the information data rate of the multiplex con-
tained in the IP stream.
Read Only
Data rate Indicates whether the data rate of the payload matches
the selected coder settings.
OK, Too
Low, Too
High, No Sig-
Read Only
Exciter ATSC