Setup Manual

Table Of Contents
Device View Description
208Operating Manual 2109.9110.02 ─ 07
Press "Save Position" again.
Switch the signal of input 2 back on.
End the calibration process and set the switchless combiner to "remote".
Finally, use the phase shifter in rack 2 to set a power maximum at the antenna.
The calibration process has to be carried out again after changing the frequency. In
addition, the switchless combiner has to be reprogrammed beforehand according to
the manufacturer's instructions.
In "Automatic" mode, the switchless combiner responds to power losses at its inputs
independently. In "Manual" mode, one of three fixed positions of the trombone can be
moved to, for example, to switch off a rack.
4.11.1 Settings
"Overview" parameters
Path: "Device View (Home)"
> "Tx<n >" > "Output Stage" >"Switchless Combiner"
> "Overview"
Name Description Value range Access right
Automatic (Control) Switches the automatic power control of the rack
combiner on and off.
Off, On Maintenance
Position (Control) Indicates which input was switched to the antenna
when automatic is switched off.
The setting can be changed here.
1, 2, 1+2 Read only
Current Position (Regu-
Indicates the current effective phase angle between the
two inputs. If the coupling is symmetric, the phase
angle is 90 degrees. If the switchless combiner has not
yet been calibrated for the current transmitter fre-
quency, the display shows a %.
0 degrees to
180 degrees,
0 % to 100 %
Read only
Status (Regulation) Indicates whether the control is currently working:
Hold: The phase angle is constant.
Phase decreasing/Phase increasing: The phase
angle is currently being changed.
Hold, Phase
Read only
Calibration (Regulation) Indicates whether the switchless combiner has been
calibrated for the current transmitter frequency.
OK: The switchless combiner is calibrated.
Warning: The switchless combiner has not yet
been calibrated.
Ok, Warning Read only
Access (Device Status) Indicates whether the switchless combiner is in "Local"
mode or "Remote" mode. For the control to work, the
switchless combiner has to be in "Remote" mode.
Read only
Switchless Combiner