
Menu Function Range Default
I/O This makes the setting for the type of interface used AUTO/ AUTO
for connection to the computer. This is normally set to USB/
This machine cannot use two ports concurrently. When
set to [AUTO], the first port that receives data after the
power is turned on is selected as the usable port.
To use the other port, either reset the power or change
the interface setting using this menu item.
For example, if the first set of data is received by the
USB port, then to receive the next set of data using the
serial port, it is necessary either to reset the power or to
change the setting to [SERIAL]. When using a serial
connection, the machine's settings are used for the
communication parameters.
If the interface is not recognized correctly when set to
[AUTO], use the menu to choose the type of interface
you're using. When using a USB connection, choose
[USB]. When using a serial connection, choose
BAUD Set the communication speed for a serial connection. 9600/4800 9600
It is effective only when connected to the computer
using a serial cable.
DATA Set the number of data bits for a serial connection. 1 ~ 8 8
It is effective only when connected to the computer
using a serial cable.
STOP Set the number of stop bits for a serial connection. 1 / 2 1
It is effective only when connected to the computer
using a serial cable.
PARITY Set the type of parity checking for a serial connection. NONE/ NONE
It is effective only wen connected to the computer EVEN/
using a serial cable. ODD
HAND Set the handshaking (flow control) for a serial H-WIRE/ H-WIRE
connection. XONOFF
It is effective only when connected to the computer
using a serial cable.
AUTOCUT SPEED This sets the [AUTOCUT] (material cutoff) speed. 40 to 85 cm/s 50 cm/s
Set this to a suitable speed for the loaded material. (1 cm/s step)
MARGIN This sets the amount of margin from the cut edge of the 5 to 50 mm 30 mm
material for the next starting point for cutting after (5 mm step)
cutting off the material.
PASSES This sets the number of times material cutoff is 1/2 1
performed (once for [1] or twice for [2]). When working
with thicker material or other material that's difficult to
cut, set this to [2]. Pressing the [SHEET CUT] key once
performs material cutoff the number of times set here.
COMMAND This selects whether the material-cutoff command is DISABLE/ENABLE DISABLE
enabled or disabled.
When set to [ENABLE], material cutoff is performed
automatically when a material-cutoff command is sent
from the computer.
Pressing the [SHEET CUT] key performs material
cutoff regardless of whether the setting is [ENABLE] or