Setup guide

2-3 Creating Printing Data
Chapter 2 Getting Ready Chapter 2 Getting Ready
Chapter 2 Getting Ready
Blend Print and Layered Print (Metallic Silver and CMYKLcLm)
Using the metallic silver ink, you can perform the blend print and the layered print by combining the ink with
the CMYKLcLm ink. By this means, you can realize the metallic expressions that cannot be made only with the
CMYKLcLm ink. The printing methods are dierent between the blend print and the layered print, and so are
the metallic impressions of the CMYKLcLm colors. Select and use the types of printing to suit your taste.
P. 24, “Blend Print (Metallic Silver + CMYKLcLm),” p. 26, “Layered Print (Metallic Silver CMYKLcLm),” p. 28,
“Layered Print (CMYKLcLm Metallic Silver)”
* When you perform “Printing with White, Metallic Silver, and CMYK Ink (page 34), the printing method is
limited to the blend print.
Blend Print
(Image of printing method)
In performing the blend print or the layered print, you can specify the colors from the metallic color
special colors library. However, if you specify the metallic colors with the same names for the blend
print and the layered print, the tones of the colors are dierent between them. We recommend that
you check the tones of the colors by performing the test printing or printing out the Metallic Color
Seeing the metallic color chart for the layered print, you may feel a slight inconsistency between the
names and the tones of the colors. This is because the colors listed in the Metallic Color Chart are
named based on those for the blend print.
P. 42, “Printing a Metallic Color Chart
The metallic silver ink and the CMYKLcLm ink are
blended to be a single layer for printing.
Metallic Silver and