Setup guide

Chapter 4 Advanced Chapter 4 Advanced
4-1 Performing Texture Printing
What is Texture Printing?
Texture printing is a printing method to produce texture patterns. This uses the texture patterns of the ex-
clusive library to create and output the printing data. This document describes the texture printing using
metallic silver ink.
* Create the printing data using the Adobe Illustrator version of CS or later if using Adobe Illustrator. If you
use the earlier version before Adobe Illustrator 10 to create the printing data, the texture patterns may
result in poor condition.
Create The Texture Printing Data
To create the data for the texture printing, please follow the instructions below.
The program used to create the printing data is Adobe Illustrator CS4. For detailed information on drawing
methods and how to work with palettes, refer to the documentation or online help for Adobe Illustrator
CS4. If you're using another version of Adobe Illustrator, operations may be somewhat dierent from those
explained here.
Open the exclusive library.
At the swatch palette menu, select [Open Swatch Library], then [Other Libraries].
The "Select Library" window appears.
* The swatch palette is displayed by going to the menu and selecting [Window], then [Swatch].