Rolls Surrette User Manual

Where : T = 0.42 x C /I
C = 20 hr RATED CAPACITY (total battery bank)
I = Charging Current (Amps)
(recommended 10-20% of C/20 discharge rate for Flooded models)
0.42 = ( 20%/50%) + 5% (5% is added due to losses)
2 strings of 6 Volt 6 CS 25P models
20 hr AH rate = 853 AH x (2 strings) = 1706 AH
I = 10% of 1706 AH = 170 Amps (10-20%, 170-340 Amps)
T = 0.42 x 1706/170 = 4.2 hrs
However, if maximum charger output is 120 Amps, 120 is used.
T = 0.42 x 1706/120 = 5.97 hrs
NOTE: Actual Amp output from the charge source(s) should be used. Maximum
charger output applies when the generated output meets or exceeds this threshold.
When the Absorption charge phase has completed and the batteries have reached
100% SOC, the charger will continue to output at a lower voltage setting known as
Float. Float voltage maintains the battery bank at a constant 100% SOC until the
charge output diminishes (ex: solar) and/or a load is applied which begins to discharge
the battery bank. To prolong battery life, the Float settings on the power supply
should be adjusted to the voltage indicated in Table 2 (a & 2 (b Flooded Charging
Parameters. Higher or lower voltage settings may result in unnecessary overcharge
or sulfation buildup.
As batteries near full capacity, charge current decreases. End Amps or Return
Amps refers to the lowest output of current (Amps) running to the batteries once
they have reached full capacity. Some charges will measure the actual current
output. If the charge current drops to the End Amps or Return Amps set point before
the programmed Absorption time has completed this will trigger the charger to shut
off or switch to the Float voltage phase, maintaining the bank at 100% SOC.
End Amps or Return Amps for new Series 4000 Flooded models should be set at
2-3% of the 20 Hr AH rating (C/20) of the battery bank.
NOTE: Rolls 4500 & 5000 Series models with Advanced NAM carbon additive may
see higher End Amps or Return Amps values as the cells are less resistant to charge
and current output will remain slightly higher at 100% SOC. A set point of 2-5% may
be used with these models. Adjustments may be required when these are used to
replace other Flooded models.