User's Manual

1.1 Rondish DMS-02 Strip Door Monitor
This unit is a further upgrade of our successful DMS-01 door monitor.
1.1.1 Overview:
Having some enhanced features, the two strip sensors are installed at each side of a door, or set up in an
area and powered from a 12Vdc regulated supply. Power is connected to the free jack socket provided.
These two sensing strips are cabled together and operate jointly to detect an approaching patient wearing
a wristband transmitter. An alarm is then generated that can be reset by the choice of using:
(a) Our wireless remote reset transmitter
(b) Application of our magnetic key at the position indicated by a blue circle
(c) A wired, external “normally open” contact
(d) The alarm reset button on our TTEST-01 test unit
(e) A wireless, or wired security keypad, or card reader
This “reset” function introduces a delay before the alarm becomes active again. Therefore, it can be used
to over-ride/bypass the door monitor alarm while escorting patients through a protected door.
1.1.2 Other functions and interconnections:
(a) Pre-alarm:
A 12Vdc output is provided to operate an electric door lock. These connections are provided at the
top end of the sensor strip units for convenient installation. Upon sensing the approach of a
wristband transmitter, the system can provide the 12Vdc output to temporarily apply the electric lock
and can activate the buzzer to provide a “pre-alarm” warning to the patient. This function is
selectable at J11 on the PCB (factory default = open – which means no sounder).
(b) Door status sensing:
Connections are provided for “normally closed” magnetic door contact. These contacts are used to
detect a door being opened and “arming” the door monitor. In this event, a patient approaching an
open door will immediately trigger a full alarm.
(c) Alarm output:
A “pulsed”, or “steady” 12Vdc alarm output is also provided for operation of external light indicators,
sounders etc. The required mode is selectable at J18 on the PCB (factory default = pins 2-3
“steady”. Adjustable to pins 2-1 = “pulsed”).
(d) Cabled (wired) data transmit option:
Connections are provided for a 4 core telephone type cable for alarms and other signals to be routed
to our central monitor. Connection of this cable at the central monitor is via our junction box (CMJ-01)
and requires a 10K resistor to ground to ensure operation.
(f) Wired reset option.
Connections are provided at the bottom end of the sensor strips for a wired reset function e.g. use of
external keypad, or other external reset function