User's Manual

WCP-21 User Manual
Version: 0.1
Date: 2019-02-19
Page: 3 | 4
i. Press the “call” button,
ii. WCP-11 led will flash and have a beep sound
iii. MCL will light up
iv. Press the “reset” button, MCL will light off
b. Cord-string test:
i. Pull the cord-string,
ii. WCP-11 led will flash and have a beep sound
iii. MCL will light up
iv. Press the “reset” button, MCL will light off
c. Magnet reset test:
i. Press the “call” button,
ii. WCP-11 led will flash and have a beep sound
iii. MCL will light up
iv. Put the magnet on the “reset” button,
v. MCL will light off
Entering storage mode
i. Program code “25” to put WCP-21 into storage mode
ii. Press and hold “Call” button with magnet placing at “RESET” position.
iii. LED will flash for about 5 sec. Then it will stay ON if entering into program
mode. Remove the magnet.
iv. Press “Call” button 2 times and then touch the position of “RESET”.
v. Press “Call” button 5 times and then touch the position of “RESET”. LED will
stop flashing.