Product specifications

32 Section 2 Basic Setup
NFS only: Here is NFS mount command for the NFS only area of the storage:.
mount -t nfs IP_addr:/nfs /local_mount_point
FTP: user: anonymous; password: any; port:21 (FTP-client)
ftp://NAS_server_name (Internet Browser)
ftp://NAS_IP_addr (InternetBrowser)
In case of no standard ftp port:
ftp://NAS_server_name:port (Internet Browser)
ftp://NAS_IP_addr:port (Internet Browser)
2.3.8 Access Shares under Linux
Please use following line to mount an NFS share:
mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs
where is the GalaxyNASLX IP
and /mnt/nfs your local mount pointPlease use following line to mount an SMB share:
In a shell:
mount -t smbfs -o username=root,password=12345 // /mnt-smb
where ‘test’ is the share name
In X-windows: Smb://root@
2.3.9 Access Shares under MAC OSX 10.4
Note: there is an incompatibility of SMB drivers between the GalaxyNASLX and OSX 10.4
Here is the work around to connect to the GalaxyNASLX within OSX 10.4
Click on "Connect to server" from the Finder (GO submenu).
Enter command:smb://username@nasIPaddress/sharename
[an example is smb://matt@]
2.3.10 User and Group Permissions / Privileges
Rorke will not support user requests nor help administering user permissions on the
GalaxyNASLX . We advise that you consult your OS administrator manual to properly
assign permissions and privileges to your users and groups
2.4 Example of Storage Capacity Usage
Your GalaxyNASLX may be configured to contain 16 X 500GB drives but Raid parity, Raid
spares, snapshots, FTP and NFS areas take up some of this total capacity.
RAID 6 capacity= (n-2) X 500GB = 7000GB