Product specifications

56 Section 3 Menu Functions
MAC addresses of network card.
The default SNMP community is "public" and here you can change it. The community you are
setting can be a maximum up to 20 characters. System location and system contact are only
for your information, for example when you connect from the SNMP client, you will see your
location and name. SNMP is used for synchronization too.
" Notes: For better security use only SNMP 3 version! This version provides login,
password and encrypted transmission.
How to retrieve information from SNMP ?
From Linux:
- snmpwalk --> it is command-line tool from snmp-package.
You can get information by:
snmpwalk -v 3 -u public -l AuthNOPriv -A MD5 -A public123 adres_ip SysUpTime
- v 3 --> use only 3 version
- u public --> community name
- A MD5 --> encrypted by MD5
- A public123 --> password
Figure 3.18