Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
145 Section 5 Management with CLU
Section 5
Management with CLU
5.0 Management with CLU
This chapter covers the following topics:
5.1 Logging into the CLU
5.2 Running Quick Setup
5.3 Managing the Subsystem
5.4 Managing the Controllers
5.5 Managing the Enclosure
5.6 Managing Physical Drives
5.7 Managing Disk Arrays
5.8 Managing Logical Drives
5.9 Managing the Network Connection
5.10 Managing Fibre Channel Connections
5.11 Managing SAS Connections
5.12 Managing Background Activity
5.13 Working with the Event Viewer
5.14 Managing Spare Drives
5.15 Working with LUN Mapping
5.16 Managing Users
5.17 Working with Software Management
5.18 Flashing through TFTP
5.19 Clearing Subsystem
5.20 Restoring Factory Defaults
5.21 Shutting Down the Subsystem
5.22 Restarting the Subsystem
5.23 Configuring Buzzer Settings
5.1 Logging into the CLU
There are two connections methods for the CLU:
Serial – Requires a null-modem cable to connect the serial ports on the Host PC and Galaxy3G
Telnet – Requires a network connection between the Host PC and Galaxy3G’s Management Port
Making a Serial Connection
Before you begin, be sure the null modem cable is connected between the Host PC and Galaxy3G, and that
both machines are booted and running. Then do the following actions:
Start your PC’s terminal emulation program.
• Press Enter once to launch the CLU.
Making a Telnet Connection
If your Telnet connection has not been setup, refer to “Making Serial Cable Connections” on page 26.
To start the telnet program:
1. Go to the command line prompt (Windows) or click the terminal icon (Linux), then run:
a. telnet 2300
The IP address above is only an example. Use your Galaxy3G's Management port
IP address. 2300 is the Telnet port for the Galaxy3G.