Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
163 Section 5 Management with CLU
Preparing the Disk Array for Transport
To run the Transport function on a disk array:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Disk Array Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight the disk array you want and press Enter.
3. Highlight Transport and press Enter.
4. Press Y to confirm.
Rebuilding a Disk Array
Before you can rebuild, you must have a replacement physical drive of adequate capacity or your disk array.
To rebuild a disk array:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Disk Array Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight the disk array you want and press Enter.
3. Highlight Background Activities and press Enter.
4. Highlight Rebuild and press Enter.
5. Specify the source and target physical drives.
6. Highlight Start and press Enter.
Migrating a Disk Array
In order to migrate RAID level, you may have to add physical drives. For more information, see “RAID Level
Migration” in chapter 7..
To migrate a disk array:
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Disk Array Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight the disk array you want and press Enter.
3. Highlight Background Activities and press Enter.
4. Highlight Migration and press Enter.
5. Highlight the physical drive you want to add and press the spacebar to select it.
Repeat this action to add more physical drives.
You can add physical drives to a RAID 50 or 60 array but
you cannot change the number of axles.
If you add an odd number of physical drives to a RAID 10
array, it will become a RAID 1E array by default.
6. Highlight Save Settings and Continue and press Enter.
7. To change RAID level, Highlight the logical drive in the list and press Enter.
8. Highlight RAID Level and press the spacebar to toggle through the available RAID levels.
9. Optional. If you want to increase capacity, highlight Expand Capacity and press the spacebar to
toggle to Yes.
10. Optional. If you want to increase capacity, highlight Capacity, press the backspace key to erase the
current logical drive capacity and type in the new value. The new value must be equal or larger than
the current capacity.
11. Highlight Save Logical Drive and press Enter. The screen returns to Disk Array Migration Logical
12. Highlight Complete Disk Array Migration and press Enter.