Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
170 Section 5 Management with CLU
5.9 Managing the Network Connection
Network Management deals with network connections and settings for the Management Ports. Each
Management Port can be configured:
Making Subsystem Management Port Settings
Making Controller Maintenance Mode Settings
Making Subsystem Management Port Settings
The Galaxy3G subsystem has a virtual management port. When you log into the Galaxy3G over your
network, you use the virtual management port.
Before you change settings, please see “Choosing DHCP or a Static IP Address” in chapter 2..
Making Automatic Settings
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Network Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight the Virtual management port and press Enter.
3. Highlight NetMgmt Ethernet Port Settings and press Enter
4. Highlight DHCP and press the spacebar to toggle to Enabled.
5. Press Ctrl-A to save your settings.
Making Manual Settings
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Network Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight the Virtual management port and press Enter.
3. Highlight NetMgmt Ethernet Port Settings and press Enter
4. Highlight DHCP and press the spacebar to toggle to Disabled.
5. Highlight each of the following and press the backspace key to erase the current value, then type
the new value.
• IP Address
• Subnet Mask
Default Gateway IP Address
DNS Server IP Address
6. Press Ctrl-A to save your settings.
Making Controller Maintenance Mode Settings
The controller has an IP addresses for access when the controller goes into maintenance mode.
Maintenance mode is only for remedial action in the event of a problem with the controller. See “Controller
Enters Maintenance Mode” in chapter 7. for more information.
Before you change settings, please see “Choosing DHCP or a Static IP Address” in chapter 2..
Making Automatic Settings
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Network Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight Maintenance Mode Network Configuration and press Enter.
3. Highlight the controller you want and press Enter.
4. Highlight DHCP and press the spacebar to toggle to Enabled.
5. Press Ctrl-A to save your settings.
Making Manual Settings
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Network Management and press Enter.
2. Highlight Maintenance Mode Network Configuration and press Enter.
3. Highlight the controller you want and press Enter.