Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
201 Section 6 Maintenance
Section 6
6.0 Maintenance
This chapter covers the following topics:
6.1 Updating the Firmware with GAM
6.2 Updating the Firmware with CLU
6.3 Replacing a Power Supply
6.3 Replacing a Power Supply
6.5 Replacing a Cache Battery
6.6 Replacing a RAID Controller
6.1 Updating the Firmware with GAM
A firmware update consists of the following actions:
Restarting the Subsystem
Updating Firmware from TFTP Server
Updating Firmware from your PC
Downloading the Firmware Image File
On the rare condition that firmware would need to be replaced, we have provided a utility to change the
firmware image. Contact Galaxy Support and download the latest firmware image (.img) file to your TFTP
server or your PC. The firmware update image file includes all of the files for the Galaxy3G, including:
• Firmware
• Software
• Kernel
• RedBoot
Other files
Updating Firmware from your PC
We strongly suggest that you use this procedure to do the
Galaxy3G firmware update. The other update procedures are
more complicated and require 3
party software.
To update the firmware from your PC:
1. Click the Subsystem
icon in Tree View.
2. Click the Administrative Tools
3. Click on the Software Management