Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
220 Section 7 Technology Background
RAID 10 –Mirror + Stripe
Mirroring/striping combines both of the previous RAID 1 and RAID 0 disk array types. RAID 10 is similar
though not identical to RAID 0+1. RAID 10 can increase performance by reading and writing data in parallel
while protecting data with duplication. At least four drives are needed for RAID 10 to be installed. With four
disk drives, the drive pairs are striped together with one pair mirroring the first pair. The data capacity is
similar to a RAID 1 disk array, with half of the total storage capacity used for redundancy. An added plus for
using RAID 10 is that, in many situations, such a disk array offers double fault tolerance. Double fault
tolerance may allow your logical drive to continue to operate depending on which two disk drives fail.
RAID 10 arrays require an even number of physical drives and a minimum of four.
For RAID 10 characteristics with an odd number of disk drives, use RAID 1E.
Recommended applications: Imaging Applications, Database Servers, General Fileservers.
Data Stripe
Disk Drives
Fig 7.1d RAID 10 Mirrored strip sets of