Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
231 Section 7 Technology Background
7.5 Cache Policy
As it is used with Galaxy3G, the term cache refers to any of several kinds of high-speed, volatile memory
that hold data moving from your computer to the physical drives or vice-versa. Cache is important because it
can read and write data much faster than a physical drive. There are read caches, which hold data as it is
read from a physical drive; and write caches, which hold data as it is written to a physical drive.
In order to tune the cache for best performance in different applications, user-adjustable settings are
provided. Cache settings are made in conjunction with logical drives:
When you create a logical drive. See “Creating a Logical Drive” in chapter 4
On an existing logical drive. See “Making Logical Drive Settings” in chapter 4
Read Cache Policy
Read Cache – The read cache is enabled.
Read Ahead – The read cache and the read-ahead feature are enabled. Read-ahead anticipates the
next read and performs it before the request is made. Can increase read performance.
No Cache – The read cache is disabled.
Write Cache Policy
Write Back – Data is written first to the cache, then to the physical drive. Better performance. Galaxy3G
has a cache backup battery to protect data in the cache from a sudden power failure.
Write Thru – Also “Write Through”. Data is written to the cache and the physical drive at the same time.
If Write Policy is set to Write Back, and the cache backup battery goes offline, the Write Policy automatically
changes to Write Thru. When the battery comes back online, the Write Policy automatically changes back to
Write Back.
If Write Policy is set to Write Back, and the Adaptive Writeback Cache feature is enabled, the Write Policy
will remain at Write Back even when the battery is offline. Any data in the controller cache will be lost in the
event of a power failure.
Adaptive Writeback Cache
On the Galaxy3G subsystem, you can set the logical drive write cache policy to Write Through or Write
If you set the write cache policy to Write Back, your data is first written to the controller cache, and later to
the physical drive. This action improves performance. To preserve the data in the cache in the event of a
power failure, the subsystem has a backup battery that powers the cache up to 72 hours.
Normally, if the cache backup battery is not present or the battery is being reconditioned, your logical drive
write cache policy is automatically set to Write Through, so no data is stored in the controller cache. This
action slightly reduces performance but avoids data loss in the event of a power failure. When a battery is
installed or finishes reconditioning, the write cache policy is automatically reset to Write Back.
The Adaptive Writeback Cache option enables you to set your logical drive write cache policy to Write Back,
even if no cache backup battery is present or the battery is being reconditioned. This action improves
performance but also risks a loss of data in the event of a power failure.
To enable the Adaptive Writeback Cache option, click on the Controller Settings tab. See “Making Controller
Also see “Replacing a Cache Battery”.