Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
245 Section 7 Technology Background
There is no spare drive at this moment. Even if physical drive 5 is of adequate capacity, it has not been
designated as a spare, therefore the controller cannot use it as a spare.
Automatic Transition
At this juncture, you would replace the failed drive in slot 4 with a new one of the same or greater capacity.
When the Galaxy3G controller detects the new drive in slot 4, it will:
Automatically transition the data on drive 6 to drive 4
Return drive 6 to spare status
When the Automatic Transition is finished, physical drives 1, 2, 3, and 4 belong to the disk array and
physical drive 6 is a revertible spare drive. The original configuration is restored.
Manual Transition
If you wanted to use the drive in slot 5 as a member of the disk array, rather than the drive in slot 4, you
would run the Transition function manually.
When the Manual Transition is finished, physical drives 1, 2, 3, and 5 belong to the disk array and physical
drive 6 is a revertible spare drive.
At this point, you would replace the drive in slot 4. The new drive in slot 4 will be unconfigured until you
assign it to a disk array or as a spare.