Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 - Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
281 Section 8 Troubleshooting
8.10 Controller Enters Maintenance Mode
When a RAID controller encounters and internal problem, it can enter maintenance mode. Maintenance
mode is only for remedial action in the event of a problem with the controller.
When a controller enters maintenance mode, it goes offline and it will display
Missing under Readiness
Note that Galaxy3G subsystems with only one controller will always show that the second controller is
“Missing.” For Galaxy3Gs with two controllers, one of the controllers will display “Missing” if the controller is
improperly connected or removed from the subsystem.
Be sure that both controllers:
Have the same Firmware version
Have the same amount of SDRAM
Are properly installed and connected
To obtain this information for a controller, click on the Controller
icon, Information tab, and look for
Firmware Version and Memory Size.
To access the controller, use a serial connection. If you know the controller’s IP address, you can access the
controller using a Telnet connection.
To log into the Galaxy3G CLI:
1. Change your terminal emulation program settings to match the following specifications:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none
2. Start your PC’s terminal VT100 or ANSI emulation program.
3. Press Enter once to launch the CLI.
4. At the Login prompt, type
administrator and press Enter.
5. At the Password prompt, type
password and press Enter.
6. At the administrator@cli> prompt, type
ctrl and press Enter.
The controller status will display. The controller whose Readiness Status is
Missing is in maintenance