Product manual

Galaxy G3G12 / G3G16 Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
83 Section 4 Maintenance with GAM
Or, select a day of the week and select the first, second, third, fourth, or last occurrence of that day in
the month.
Then, select the months in which you want the activity to occur.
6. Select a Range of Occurrence.
Start-from date. The default is today's date.
• End-on date.
Select No End Date (perpetual).
Or, select a number of occurrences for this activity.
Or, select a specific end date. The default is today's date.
7. For Redundancy Check only:
Choose the Auto Fix option. This feature attempts to repair the problem when it finds an error.
Choose the Pause on Error option. This feature stops the process when it finds an error
Check the boxes beside the logical drives (all except RAID 0) to which this activity will apply.
Each logical drive can have only one scheduled Redundancy Check.
8. Click the Submit button.
You can schedule only ONE Redundancy Check for each logical
Deleting a Scheduled Activity
To delete a scheduled activity for this subsystem:
1. Click the Subsystem
icon Tree View.
2. From the dropdown menu on the Scheduler tab, choose Delete Schedules.
3. Check the box to the left of the schedule you want to delete.
4. Click the Submit button.
Viewing Lock Status
The lock prevents other sessions (including by the same user) from making a configuration change to the
controller until the lock expires or a forced unlock is done.
To view the lock status for this subsystem:
1. Click the Subsystem
icon Tree View.
2. Click the Lock tab in Management View.
The following information is displayed:
Lock Status – The User who set (owns) the current lock.
Expiration Time – Amount of time left until the lock automatically releases.
Expire At Time – The date and time when the lock will automatically release.
Setting the Lock
The lock prevents other sessions (including by the same user) from making a configuration change to the
controller until the lock expires or a forced unlock is done.
You can set the lock to last from one minute to one day. To set the lock for this subsystem:
1. Click the Subsystem
icon Tree View.
2. Click the Lock tab in Management View.