Owner`s manual

Rosen A7 Owner’s Manual
The A7 uses an FM Modulator to send audio through the vehicle radio
and thus through the speakers. To listen to A7 system audio through
your car speakers:
1 Press SPEAKER. “Speaker Sound Enabled” will appear on the
screen. (If “Headphone Sound Only” appears, press SPEAKER
2 Turn on the car radio. Make sure A7 MUTE is off. Tune to FM
frequency 87.9. If no A7 audio is heard, try tuning in 88.3.
To turn off A7 system audio over the car speakers, press SPEAKER.
“Headphone Sound Only” appears on the screen. Audio from the A7
system is then heard only over the headphones.
The A7 remembers which mode you have selected, and will return to
that mode each time the system is turned on. You may want to store
the FM Modulator frequency as a preset on your radio for ease of
use. This will be either 87.9 or 88.3 FM.
Note: When the FM Modulator is on, you may notice some
reduced radio reception. When the system is off, the FM
Modulator also turns off. To listen to the radio when the A7 is
not in use, close the A7 monitor, and both the A7 system and
the FM Modulator will turn off.
Note: If there seems to be a strong station on the FM
Modulator frequency, your Rosen authorized dealer can
switch the system to the alternate frequency.
You can watch television or videotapes on the A7 if you have
installed an optional TV Tuner.
Note: Broadcast television reception varies with location,
terrain, distance from the broadcast tower, and other factors.
Signal quality is likely to vary in a moving vehicle.
1 Press SOURCE to select the “TV Tuner” input.
2 Use the TV TUner’s remote control to change channels.
Note: To watch broadcast television or videotapes in their
original format, press the DISPLAY MODE button on the
remote control until “Standard” is displayed on the screen.
This will properly size the image, instead of stretching the
image across the A7 wide screen. In “Standard” mode, you
will see black bars on the sides of the image, like this: