User manual

Measuring Blocks cont. - Section 7-D
If you'd like to record just a snapshot in time of the current readings in each group, click on
[Add to Log]. This will save the results to your PC, typically in your VCDS\Logs directory
Acceleration Measurement
When you have one or more measuring group with speed (km/h) in it, clicking on
[Acceleration] will bring up the Acceleration Measurement window, which allows you to
enter start and stop speeds and distances. This is described in the Acceleration
Measurement (Section 14 of this manual).
Advanced Measuring Values
You may also want to try the Advanced Measuring Values function (see section 13), which
frees you from the grouping format of the Measuring Blocks function. For controllers using
the UDS/ODX/ASAM protocol, the Measuring Blocks function is not available and you
MUST use Advanced Measuring Values instead.
Warning! If you wish to observe real-time data while driving the car, please use a second
person! Let one drive while the other observes the data, making sure the person holding
the PC is not in front of an active airbag!