User manual

VCDS - Single Reading- Section 9-A
(VAG 1551/1552 function 09)
This function allows you to look at real-time data from control modules that support it.
However, the data stream coming from the control module gives NO CLUE what the data
means or how to scale it into real-world values.
The only way to know what the values mean is to find a reference to this function in
the Factory Repair Manual for your car.
This function is rare, but it is used, for example, with some OBD-I 2.8L 12V V6 engines.
The very name of this function annoyed us, so we added a twist. You can look at two
channels of "Single Readings" at once!
Use [Up] and [Dn] to scroll through the available groups (000 - 255 on some Control
Modules). Don't become discouraged when you find some where the fields are all blank.
You can also type a Channel number into the Channel box and click [Go!]
Use [Done, Go Back] to return to the Open Controller screen.
Note: On the Open Controller screen, the Supported Codes button will appear in place of
the Single Reading function in modules that support it, since the two functions are mutually