User manual

Adaptation / Long Adaptation cont. - Section 20-B
Label Files can support values and descriptions for Adaptation channels. A help chart may
be displayed in a balloon. For control modules that have a Label File with Adaptation
information (or for UDS modules with a ROD file), a drop-down menu will be shown, which
allows you to select from the supported functions:
Once you have reached a channel of interest, you can use the [Up] and [Dn] buttons next
to New Value to incrementally change the value. Or you can directly enter a New Value
and click [Test]. This will tell the controller to temporarily use the new value so you can
evaluate its effects.
When you are satisfied with the effect of a New Value, you can store it in the Controller
permanently by clicking [Save].
If you'd like to record just a snapshot in time of the current readings in each group, click on
[Add to Log]. This will save the results to your PC, typically to your C:\Ross-
Tech\VCDS\Logs directory.
Channel 00 is a special case. Performing a [Save] to Channel 00 resets all adaptation
values to their original factory defaults. This only works in controllers that support this
function, see your Factory Repair Manual to find out if this procedure applies to each
controller in your vehicle.
Some Engine and Immobilizer controllers will require a valid Login before permitting you to
[Test] or [Save] Adaptation values.
Values put in with [Test] but not Saved will persist until controller is powered-down.