User manual

Adaptation / Long Adaptation cont. - Section 20-C
UDS: For controllers using the UDS/ODX/ASAM protocol, the drop-down menu MUST be
used, since traditional Adaptation Channels do not apply. VCDS supports Adaptation for all
control modules in the VW Crafter / LT3 as explained on this page on our website:
In Adaptation for UDS controllers, WSC, Importer, and Equipment numbers can be entered
if needed by the controller:
Check the Soft reset box if it is mentioned in repair instructions.
Long Adaptation is a subset of the Adaptation function and is used/needed (for example)
to balance the fuel injectors on Common-Rail TDI engines (such as the BKN). It is also
used for the CAN Gateway of new vehicles like the Audi A5 as shown here:
Click [Done, Go Back] to return to the Open Controller Screen.