User manual

ASI-310 User Manual (Iss. 03) Configuration • 4–5
GPI/O Settings
Use the following procedure to assign GPI/O outputs to error conditions:
1. Select the GPIO tab.
2. Select the GPI/O that you want to assign from the selector labeled GPI/O.
The eight selections are named GPIO 1 through GPIO 8. If you have renamed the
GPI/Os (discussed in the section “String Settingson page 4-6), the names you have
assigned will display in this list instead.
3. Use the provided buttons to select the Condition that you want to trigger it.
Active level is the logic level that is present on the GPI/O output when it indicates
an error condition.
The default is High, but it can be set to Low if needed to meet the interface
requirements of other equipment.
4. To apply the new settings:
•Click Accept.
•Click Yes.