User's Manual

takes approximately 1 minute to acquire after the unit is turned on. GPS signals are not available in
underground installations, inside vehicles, or where the unit is surrounded by metal. The GPS unit
will remember the date and time when no signal is available. You can check the actual GPS
information on the Normal menu by choosing option ‘3’. Units that are not equipped with GPS use
a separate clock for recording the date and time of events in the history log.
2.10.7. CURRENT BATTERY VOLTAGE: This represents the current state of charge of the
unit. It is recommended that the unit be recharged when the battery falls below 7.5V. The unit will
operate normally down to 7.0V however below this the unit must be recharged. If you are operating
this system at a temperature below freezing, it is recommended that you charge before use. The
batteries will start to lose capacity below 0 ºC (32 ºF). A more thorough battery test can be
performed by pressing the BATT TEST switch. Below 7.0 V the yellow POWER light will flash.
2.10.8. SYSTEM NUMBER: The system number is read from the Remote Unit’s electronic key
and is display on the LCD. To work with the Controller, the system number on the Remote must
match the currently selected system displayed on the Controller to be operational.
2.10.9. REMOTE KEY INSTALLED: This indicates that a Remote Unit Electronic Key has been
inserted and correctly read. The yellow KEY light in the System indicators will light in one of two
modes (flashing or solid) when a valid Remote key has been installed.
Note: Removing the Remote’s key will cause it to disarm itself, if previously armed. Pressing the
DISARM switch or turning the unit off will also disarm the unit.
2.10.10. FIRING MODE (FM): ST indicates the Shock Tube Initiator circuit is selected. ED
indicates the Electric Detonator circuit is selected. When arming and firing, the current selection
will be used. The Controller saves the currently active selection when turned off.
Figure 2-11 Remote Unit Electric Detonator Armed Screen
2.10.11. f.