User's Manual

2.10.12. Figure 2-11 shows the screen that is displayed on the Remote Unit when its Electric
Detonator circuit is armed. The CHARGE STATE will initially display ‘Charging’ as the firing
capacitor voltage begins to rise. As the capacitor becomes fully charged, this will change to
‘Charged’ and the red ARMED light on the front panel will also turn on. The REMAINING ARM
TIME will be displayed as minutes: seconds as it counts down to zero. When it reaches zero, the
capacitor will discharge internally and the unit will return to READY or disarmed state. The
CAPACITOR DC voltage will also be displayed while the unit is armed. This value will be
continuously updated to show the true value of the capacitor voltage.
Figure 2-12 Remote Unit Shock Tube Initiator Armed Screen
2.10.13. Figure 2-12 shows the screen that is displayed on the Remote Unit when its Shock Tube
Initiator circuit is armed. The UNIT STATE will display ‘Armedand the red ARMED light on the
front panel will also turn on. The REMAINING ARM TIME will be displayed as in minutes : seconds