User's Manual

3.4.8. On the Controller Unit, insert the Controller’s key and press the ON switch. Observe the
yellow ON and KEY lights are on steady.
3.4.9. On the Controller, make sure the electric detonator circuit is selected. The LCD screen
should show ‘FM:ED’ (firing mode electric detonator) in the lower right. To change the selection, to
electric detonator, press MENU and choose ‘1. Normal User’ and then choose ‘1. CIRCUIT’ and
then choose type ‘1. ELECTRIC’. Press MENU to return to the default screen.
3.4.10. On the Controller, press the STATUS switch. After a short time the green READY lights
for the Remote Units that were previously prepared for use, will come on steady to show they are
disarmed and communicating two-way. The SELECT lights will automatically be turned on for
Remote Units that answered back to the Status request (if Auto-Select Mode is enabled - default is
enabled). See the Advanced User section regarding Auto-Select Mode.
3.4.11. Ensure all Remote Units to be tested are selected on the Controller Unit. Units can be
manually selected or deselected by pressing the ‘SELECT’ switch on the Controller, pressing ‘1-8’
to select or deselect as required, and then press ‘SELECT’ again, returning to the default screen.
The yellow SELECT lights illuminate on the Controller Unit for the selected Remote Units.
3.4.12. On the Controller, press the ARM switch. The ARMED lights for the selected Remote
Units will blink for about 10 seconds and come on steady.
On the Remote Units, the red ARMED lights will come on steady. The system is armed. The
display on the Controller will show the armed screen of
3.4.13. Figure 2-6 and the Remote Units will show the electric detonator armed screen of f.